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Tile flooring:
porcelain or ceramic?
Tile flooring is considered to be one of the most affordable flooring materials. It is available in an almost unlimited number of colors, patterns, designs, shapes, and sizes. It's waterproof, durable, and easy to clean.
Tampa Flooring Gallery & Tampa Contract Floors would love to tell you more and show you samples of this terrific product. We're family-owned with over 125 years of experience and the biggest tile store in Tampa, FL.
Time and again people ask if porcelain or ceramic tile is better.
The two might seem similar, but they behave differently in certain installations. The decision will come down to your needs.
The super-strength of porcelain tile
Porcelain is a type of ceramic. It is made of clay, but its composition also includes sand and glass. It's also fired at a higher temperature than most ceramics.
This makes it heavier and denser and the perfect solution for any room with heavy foot traffic.
While many ceramics need to be glazed to be waterproof, this porcelain tile flooring is non-porous. That means it won’t absorb liquid and is completely waterproof, not to mention that also makes it easier to clean. You can also use it outside.
Porcelain is a large format tile, available in any pattern from stone to florals to geometrics and leather. Tiles keep getting bigger and bigger in 2020 and porcelain can be giant, sometimes measuring as much as 24 X 24. For that reason, many prefer it for a stone look, since the larger format has fewer seams gives it more of a quarried stone look.

Ceramic tile isn't just square
If you want to get technical, the word "ceramic" refers to anything made of clay, including porcelain, mosaics, subway tiles, and the decorative squares. Mix and match them to create your unique design.
The highly decorative pieces come either glazed or unglazed, but must be glazed to be waterproof. They should be used indoors and are appropriate for flooring. If budget is an issue, use a more plain one on the larger square footage with a few highly designed ones as accents.
As a note, be sure to specify exactly how you plan to use it since they all have different grade levels for floors and walls.
For more information about tile flooring, visit the Tampa Flooring Gallery & Tampa Contract Floors showroom in Tampa, FL. We serve the entire greater Tampa area. Ask about our estimates.